The best way to spread Christmas cheer is signing loud for all to hear!

For a while, I truly thought the tradition of sending holiday greeting cards was fading. The digital age has soured the significance of printed products. Who needs to send out a holiday letter when your Facebook friends see what you’re up to on an hourly basis?

Some feel that it is an easy area in the Christmas budget to cut.

Others simply never get around to crossing off that holiday to-do item.

For me, there is nothing more uplifting than a mailbox full of holiday greeting cards and knowing someone stopped to think of YOU during the hustle and bustle of Christmas! Although we all love sharing pictures and connecting with those we love via social media, snail mail has a much more personalized touch.

Every morning over eggnog and sugar cookies (okay, that’s an exaggeration) I click through email requests for holiday Christmas cards and it makes me feel like SINGGINGGGG!

I know the tradition hasn’t faded! My friends, family, clients, neighbors – they all value the lick-sealed- crooked-stamped-hand-delivered-JOY that is the holiday greeting card.

So dear clients, it is not too late to place a holiday greeting card order! Through December 13th, we will accept orders and promise on-time arrival!

Each and every card is custom designed to reflect your family and guaranteed to help spread holiday cheer for your friends close & near!  


Be merry & bright,
- aaron